Mason Boyd REID - 07/02/2017

Parole Hearing
Under section 21(1) of the Parole Act 2002

Mason Boyd REID

Hearing: 7 February 2017 at Video [Withheld]

Members of the Board:

  • Judge E Paul (Panel Convenor)
  • Mr L Comer
  • Mr R Crotty

Support Persons:

  • [Withheld]
  • [Withheld]
  • [Withheld]


1. Mason Boyd Reid, aged 23 years, appears for first Parole hearing on a four year jail sentence for aggravated robbery.  He and others entered a property assaulting the occupants looking for cannabis.  Mr Reid explains to us at the time he was lost and had turned to alcohol and drugs.  He is supported at this hearing by [Withheld].

2. His sentence commenced in October 2015.  He is only eligible for parole consideration on the 20th of this month.  His sentence end date is the 20th of September 2019.  He is currently in minimum security classification with a low RoC*Rol.

3. Of concern in 2016, Mr Reid received two misconducts for disobeying an order and an unapproved item.  On the positive side, he has commenced the DTU in November 2016.  He is scheduled to complete that in May of this year.  He is reported to be quiet, compliant and motivated to complete his programme.  He spoke to the Board today about his learnings on the programme.  He has a release proposal [Withheld]. He is focused on returning to the workforce in a labouring role as that is where his experience lies. He does have injuries as a result of the index offending.  He has lost sight in his right eye and is partially deaf in his right ear.  Observations from family, who have been visiting with him since his sentence commenced, is he was lost because he was making the wrong choices; in particular, friends.  Mr Reid explained his goals for the future.

4. With a significant rehabilitation programme such as the DTU6 to complete, it is not appropriate that parole be granted now.  Completion of that programme will go some way to reducing Mr Reid’s risk of re-offending which ultimately is the Board’s concern.  We are of the firm view he needs some time after graduation to consolidate his learning back in the prison community.  He needs to demonstrate good behaviour and if there are work opportunities within the prison he should take those up to, again, demonstrate his learnings from the DTU.  He tells us he may well sign on as a mentor in the DTU unit, once he graduates.

5. For today, parole is declined.  Mr Reid continues to present an undue risk to the safety of the community.  We direct that Mr Reid be seen again no later than the end of October 2017.  We would expect he has the same positive release proposal and has maintained good behaviour up until that time.  He will then be before the Board in October to determine whether he is safe to return to the community.

Judge E Paul
Panel Convenor