Ziggy Stardust BUCKERIDGE - 27/09/2017
Parole Hearing
Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002
Ziggy Stardust BUCKERIDGE
Hearing: 27 September 2017
At (withheld)
Members of the Board:
- Hon. M A Frater (Panel Convenor)
- Assoc. Prof. P Brinded
- Ms F Pimm
- Mr D Hauraki
In attendance: [withheld] – Corrections Psychologist
- Ziggy Stardust Buckeridge is serving a life sentence of imprisonment for the murder of 14 year old Julie Sands in April 1992. He was 30 when he committed this crime. He is now 56.
- Over the years, Mr Buckeridge has been released and recalled twice: in 2005 and in 2011. He spent about seven months in the community each time.
- He has been back in custody now for six years.
- Over the years, he has completed the Kia Marama Programme (in 2003), the Criminogenic Programme (2005), the DTU (2009) and Individual Psychological Treatment (2010). He has also spent time in a Self-Care Unit and is now back in (withheld).
- This is the third time that Mr Buckeridge has been before the Board this year. Previous hearings were on 6 March and 24 May. On each occasion, the concern of the Board was to ascertain whether Mr Buckeridge had been accepted by the (withheld) to re-engage in their reintegrative programme, having been released there and failed in 2005.
- The position is now clear. (withheld) is no longer an option. (withheld)
- In the circumstances, enquiries were made concerning other avenues for release, with a focus on reintegration in an area where Mr Buckeridge could use his skills and qualifications in timber processing. Initial enquiries were made for release to Whanganui. The focus then changed to Wellington. Then, just yesterday, the position changed, once again. Mr Buckeridge’s focus has returned to eventual release into the [withheld] community.
- He did not seek parole today. Instead, he sought the Board’s support to continue working in the timber yard and, from there, engage in regular outings to (withheld), to gain necessary experience on their equipment (which the prison does not have) in order to complete his apprenticeship in timber machining.
- So far he has had one escorted outing. It went very well. He interacted appropriately with staff at the timber yard and found the training to be of great benefit.
- It is planned that, initially, these outings will take place about three times a month. In between times, Mr Buckeridge will continue working in the timber yard at (withheld) Prison, but take a more active management role.
- We are encouraged to hear about this innovative proposal. We think it is eminently sensible and will ultimately serve to mitigate Mr Buckeridge’s risk.
- He hopes, once he has completed his apprenticeship, to be offered employment in the timber industry in the [withheld] area, and, having done so, to find appropriate accommodation.
- We understand that, all going well, it will take 15 months for Mr Buckeridge to complete his apprenticeship. There will then be a further period of consolidation and the necessary building of community support, whether through organisations such as (withheld), or with others associated with his employment.
- Given Mr Buckeridge’s high profile and past failures on release, his reintegration needs to be taken carefully and slowly. It will take at least two years.
- In the circumstances, parole is declined. Mr Buckeridge’s next hearing will be during the week beginning 2 September 2019 and must be held before 27 September of that year.
- An updated Psychological Assessment Report is required for that hearing. The Board will also require a comprehensive release and relapse prevention plan.
- It is, of course, open to Mr Buckeridge to apply under section 26 of the Parole Act 2002 for an earlier hearing if he has completed his apprenticeship and believes he has the requisite comprehensive release plan.
Hon. M A Frater |