Paul DALLY - 04/11/2019

Parole Hearing

Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002

Paul Joseph DALLY

Hearing: 4 November 2019

at Auckland Prison

Members of the Board:

  • Sir Ron Young – Chairperson
  • Mr P Elenio
  • Dr J Skipworth


  • Ms L Smith


  • [withheld]


  1. Mr Dally is 58 years of age. He was convicted of murder and sentenced in 1990 to life imprisonment.  He is currently on minimum security rating. He did have some previous convictions before his offending.
  2. We last saw him in November 2017. At that stage, the Board noted that he had completed all the identified rehabilitation. That included the Child Sex Offender Treatment Programme and a significant amount of psychological counselling. He is therefore then proceeding towards reintegration.
  3. As far as the current position is concerned, Mr Dally has made significant progress with working within the Auckland Prison. He is leading hand in the nursery. Currently, he is still in the Te Piriti Unit and although there was a hope when we previously saw him that he would move to Self-Care, that has not been possible in Auckland Prison.
  4. The psychological report and the parole assessment report recommends, and we agree, that the time has now come for an appropriate transfer to a prison where Mr Dally can be further tested in Self Care.  We suggest that that is most appropriately one of the two other Auckland prisons, either Auckland South or Spring Hill which both have Self Care units available.
  5. Mr Dally has continued to behave well in prison.  Mr Dally did not seek parole today.  He accepts that there is significant reintegration work required.
  6. In the meantime, we agree he remains an undue risk and cannot be released.  We will see him again by the end of April 2021.  In the meantime, we think a further risk assessment would be appropriately undertaken given the last risk assessments appear to have been some five years ago.
  7. We record that we have mentioned to him that we think it unlikely that on any ultimate release [withheld] accommodation would be appropriate.  We would be looking toward long term accommodation that was settled for Mr Dally on release.  The [withheld] programme may be a way forward for him.

Sir Ron Young