Alex Aleti SEU 15/10/2020

Alex Aleti SEU

Hearing: 15 October 2020

at Auckland Prison

Members of the Board: Judge C Blackie – Panel Convenor, Mr B McMurray, Ms P Rose

Counsel: Ms L Tu’i

In Attendance: (withheld) - Case Manager


  1. Alex Aleti Seu appeared for the first time before the Parole Board on 15 October 2020.  Ms Seu is serving a sentence of six years nine-months imprisonment following convictions on a number of charges involving unlawful sexual connection with a male over 16, indecent assault and assault with intent to commit sexual violation.
  2. Her sentence commencement date was 15 March 2017 and her sentence end-date is 19 July 2021.
  3. Ms Seu has a security classification of high and a RoC*RoI of .2906.
  4. Ms Seu's offending involved following a complainant [withheld] and sexually violating him.  A second offence occurred when the victim ran off into a churchyard.  The offending occurred whilst Ms Seu was already on bail in respect of similar charges.  The Parole Assessment Report comments on Ms Seu’s sexual deviant lifestyle and her sexual compulsivity.  At this time, she is untreated.  The recommendation is that she undergo individual treatment with a psychologist.  It is set as high priority.
  5. During the course of her sentence, Ms Seu has transited between the Auckland prison and the Tongariro Prison.  Unfortunately, while at Tongariro she incurred a number of misconducts as a result of her sexual orientation and was returned to Auckland with a classification of high.
  6. Clearly, having regard to the nature of Ms Seu’s offending, she would not be considered suitable for the standard Adult Sex Offender Treatment.  Hence the recommendation for one-to-one treatment with a psychologist.
  7. Clearly, as Ms Seu remains an untreated prisoner she is unsuitable for release on parole at this time.  She has to be considered an undue risk to the community.
  8. The Board should see her again within 12 months i.e. by the end of October 2021 by which time it anticipates receiving a comprehensive psychological report commenting on
  9. treatment completed to date.
  10. further treatment required.
  11. current risk.
  12. further comment on release proposals and safety plan.
  13. With regard to release proposals, they are currently in their infancy.  Ms Seu talks of living with her (withheld), who currently resides in (withheld) but would be prepared to relocate to (withheld).  She does have family members in (withheld) who may well be approached to ascertain whether they are prepared to be involved in her support.
  14. Ms Seu was ably assisted at the hearing by her counsel Ms Tui’i who provided helpful submissions and is clearly giving Ms Seu ongoing support in her reintegration pathway.  Ms Tui’i is thanked for her involvement.

Judge C Blackie

Panel Convenor