Kino Hoki MATETE - 12/05/20

Parole Hearing

Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002

Kino Hoki MATETE

Hearing: 12 May 2020

at Auckland Region Women’s Corrections Facility via VMR from NZ Parole Board, Head Office Wellington

Members of the Board:

  • Sir Ron Young – Chairperson
  • Assoc Prof. P Brinded
  • Dr G Coyle


  1. Ms Matete is 40 years of age.  She was sentenced to preventive detention in 2006 for three charges of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, assault with intent to injure and assault.  She had a serious history of violent offending and alcohol abuse prior to the preventive detention sentence.  She is currently on minimum security classification.
  2. When we saw Ms Matete in May 2019 she had completed the Kowhiritanga Programme but there was still considerable concern about her conduct and attitude within the prison.  There was a possibility of her completing the Kimihia Programme.  She hoped to be released ultimately to [withheld] but before that possibly Release to Work.
  3. As to current situation we consider that Ms Matete has made some progress.  At times she has struggled to regulate her emotions and there have been incidents when she was verbally aggressive and for a period her security classification. But she has now returned to minimum classification.  She can be rigid and her communication style, can seem offhand and aggressive.
  4. We discussed with her the possibility of doing the Kimihia Programme.  She is down to start that programme beginning in July.  She is somewhat worried about the programme especially the group aspect but is motivated.  She is currently undertaking some work with a psychologist on a one-to-one basis to prepare her for that programme.  We encourage her to do to attend and complete the Kimihia programme.
  5. Currently she is still not really suitable for Self-Care but it may be after the completion of that programme she can move along a reintegration process.  That will need to be reviewed when we see her next.  Her hope is that she can start Release to Work next year and work towards her release in the slightly longer term.  In the meantime she remains an undue risk.  We will see her again in 12 months’ time by the end of April 2021.

Sir Ron Young