Lewis TURAHUI 8/9/2021

Parole Hearing

Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002


Hearing:                                            8 September 2021

at Whanganui Prison by Teleconference

Members of the Board:                    Judge C Blackie – Panel Convenor

Mr P Elenio

Counsel:                                            Ms A Brosnahan

In Attendance:                                  [withheld] – Case Manager


This decision has been issued following consideration of parole in accordance with the provisions of an epidemic management notice issued by the Government on 30 March 2020 and in accordance with section 13A of the Parole Act 2002. There has been a hearing conducted by a Panel Convenor and a Board member. All of the usual material has been considered and there has been a telephone discussion involving the Board, the offender, Case Manager and Counsel.

  1. Lewis Turahui appeared again before the Parole Board on 8 September 2021.
  2. Mr Turahui is currently serving a sentence of nine years’ imprisonment following his conviction on charges of rape, kidnapping and male assaults female.
  3. His sentence commencement date was 2 October 2017 and his sentence end date is 19 September 2026.
  4. Currently Mr Turahui has a security classification of minimum and a RoC*RoI of .44955.
  5. When he was last seen by the Board in September 2020 it was recorded that the victim of his offending was the [withheld]. He also had a history of earlier violent offending. With these factors in mind, the Board was of the view that significant intervention was required in order for future risk to be mitigated. He was not considered suitable for an ASAT programme but instead has engaged on a one-to-one basis with a Departmental psychologist.
  6. As at today's hearing the psychological intervention is ongoing. There are still further sessions required before Mr Turahui would be able to put before the Board a comprehensive release and safety plan.
  7. Mr Turahui has completed the DTP and was able to speak relatively well for himself as to what he had learned. He accepts that he needs to control anger and certainly needs to avoid any contact with drugs. He said that he was saddened by what he had done.
  8. When asked for an explanation in relation to his index offending, Mr Turahui said that at the time, he had lost his [withheld] the victim of his offending. He accepts that his offending was of a dehumanising nature and that the victim would have suffered considerable trauma as a result.
  9. Within the prison, Mr Turahui is regarded as compliant. No issues have arisen in relation to security classification.
  10. Mr Turahui was represented by counsel who accepted that it was too early for the Board to consider parole and that a further period was needed for him to develop his safety plan. She sought a relatively short deferment. That said, in the Board's view there is a need for Mr Turahui to engage in relatively comprehensive reintegration activities. In mind are release to work, release within the prison, and assessment, and if considered suitable, entry into self-care.
  11. In the Board’s view, these factors are not likely to be achieved within the short term.
  12. Clearly Mr Turahui remains as only a partially treated prisoner and undue risk to the community and parole is at this time formally declined. He will however be seen again in 12 months’ time.
  13. In anticipation for the next parole hearing it is expected:

    (1) That there will be a relatively comprehensive further psychological report available commenting on:

    (i) Treatment completed to date;

    (ii) Further treatment that may be required;

    (iii) An assessment of current risk;

    (iv) Comment on the release proposal and safety plan.

  14. In conclusion, the Board records that it had earlier met with the victim of Mr Turahui's offending. Clearly, she remains deeply traumatised as a result of what occurred to her at the hands of Mr Turahui. She obviously has concerns about his release and the safeguards that may be put in place for her future protection.
  15. Parole is declined. Mr Turahui will be seen again by the end of September next year.

Judge C Blackie

Panel Convenor