Peter James LINTON 3/2/2022

Parole Hearing

Under section 21(2) of the Parole Act 2002

Peter James LINTON

Hearing: 3 February 2022

at Rolleston Prison via MS Teams

Members of the Board: Ms S Bailey – Panel Convenor

Mr A Hackney

Mr A Spierling

Counsel:                                            Mr A Williams

In Attendance:                                  [withheld] – Principal Case Manager


  1. Peter James Linton appears before the Board again for consideration of parole.  He last appeared in December of last year.  At that time the Board determined that he may need an [withheld] and it would be of benefit to have a multidisciplinary meeting to ascertain [withheld].  This was because matters had been raised in that previous hearing which indicated, at his age of 76, he was now [withheld] to be given rather than going to a [withheld] accommodation as previously proposed.
  2. Today, his lawyer Mr Williams stated that Mr Linton is seeking parole.  He updated the Board, which has also been confirmed by Community Corrections, that a number of meetings have been held about Mr Linton's care and he was assessed as suitable for [withheld]. They were now waiting for a bed date, although it appears no particular [withheld] has been decided on at this point.
  3. Mr Williams submitted that Mr Linton could be admitted to parole and a date given further out in a few weeks, and when a [withheld] bed became available it could be dealt with administratively.
  4. His case manager confirmed that inquiries were continuing. With respect to any particular [withheld], there was nothing immediate on the horizon.  She also confirmed that he has been having some follow-up psychological sessions within the prison. He had completed five sessions with one left to go within the prison environment.  He would then have a couple of sessions to complete when he was released into the community.
  5. His PCO gave him a good report saying he was polite, compliant and helpful.
  6. Parole is declined today.  Until Mr Linton's accommodation arrangements are finalised, he is still an undue risk without a firm release proposal.  Although the [withheld] services had been approved initially, with the new assessment of his [withheld] needs, that is not considered appropriate.
  7. Mr Linton will be seen again in April of this year and before the end of that month in hopes that his [withheld] care has been organised.
  8. If an approved address becomes available before that time, the prison should contact the Parole Board for an earlier hearing or, possibly, it will be considered appropriate to be dealt with administratively.

Ms S Bailey

Panel Convenor